The Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area consists of 63,487 acres of mostly dry prairie interspersed with cypress swamps, freshwater marshes, pineland and scrub. The property is situated in the southern half of Osceola County, west of US Hwy 441 and north of SR 60, near the town of Kenansville, Florida. Three lakes (Kissimmee, Jackson and Marian) share its boarders, hence the name, Three Lakes. Recreational activities include hiking, camping, bike riding, horseback riding, wildlife viewing, paddling, fishing and seasonal hunting.
To US Hwy 441 / Williams Road Entrance:
From I-95 exit 180, take US Hwy 192 west for about 23.5 miles. Turn left on US Hwy 441 and go south for another 13.7 miles. Turn right onto Williams Road. GPS Coordinates: N27° 57.699 W81° 00.258.
To Canoe Creek Road Entrance:
From I-95 exit 180, take US Hwy 192 west for about 23.5 miles. Turn left on US Hwy 441 and go south for another 19.8 miles. Turn right onto South Canoe Creek Road (CR 523). Entrance will be on your left about 11.5 miles (2 miles past the entrance to Priarie Lakes Unit). GPS Coordinates: N27° 57.131 W81° 08.417.
To SR 60 Hwy Entrance:
From I-95 ext 147, take SR 60 west for about 40 miles. Entrance will be on your right. GPS Coordinates: N27° 46.717 W81° 07.584.
Self-pay (cash or personal check) at the entrance kiosk: $3 per person, $6 per non-commercial vehicle. Hunters and thru-hikers are exempt.
Three Lakes has two campsite along the Florida National Scenic Trail. One is located in Godwin Hammock about 4 miles north of State Road 60 and the other is about half way between the Florida Turnpike underpass and US Hwy 441. The campsites are available for through hikers only. There are no Porto-lets, fire rings or potable water sources at these campsites. Make sure you bring everything you need since there are no supply stores nearby.
Three Lakes consists of over 16 miles of hiking trails divided into two sections: north and south. The northern section begins about 2.5 miles north of the park entrance on US Hwy 441 (near the tall radio tower) and passes underneath the Florida Turnpike before ending at the Prairie Lakes entrance on Canoe Creek Road. The southern section starts about 5 miles west of the Kissimmee River bridge on State Road 60 and meanders north and west until it reaches at the southern border of Prairie Lakes near the Jackson Canal. Each sections is about 9 to 10 miles long. None of the sections have loops or designated trailheads since they are primarily used by thru hikers.
Dry Prairie near Godwin HammockIf you're a day hiker, the easiest way to get to the trail is to follow entrance road off of Hwy 441 until you reach the Florida Turnpike underpass. There you should see the familiar orange trail blazes.
Florida Turnpike Underpass - Williams TunnelOld trail registration box near Canoe Creek Road. Use to be a haven for scorpions.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission manages hunting at Three Lakes WMA. For up-to-date information on regulations and current hunting schedules, please go to
Hwy 441 and Canoe Creek Check Stations
Hunting Schedule 2013 - 2014 Archery Sep. 14 - Oct. 13 Muzzle Gun Oct. 19 - 21 General Gun - M.I. Oct. 25 - 27 General Gun Nov. 2 - Dec. 29 General Gun - Dog Dec. 5- 8, Dec. 26 - 29 Small Game Dec. 30 - Mar. 2 Spring Turkey Mar. 8 - 9, Mar. 15 - Apr. 20
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Pale Meadow Beauty Sabatia Pineland Heliotrope Pitted Stripeseed Elliott's Milkpea Swamp Milkweed White Lobelia Yellow Bachelors Button Glade Lobelia
Last updated on 18-Nov-2013